Tuesday, March 23, 2010

W - 16 days

Long day...

Jerry went out last night with friends. No big deal since he didn't have to be to work until late today. But when he decided to come home at 2 am and found that his car didn't start, it was Gina to the rescue. I really didn't mind doing it - made me feel better that he wasn't driving anyway. But once I am awake enough to drive a car, I'm AWAKE. 

It took a while to fall back asleep and then I kept waking up. I took Jerry back to his car on my way to work to find that it still wouldn't start (was worth a shot).  Called AAA and waited. The dude that came to fix the car was very nice, friendly, and... creative. 

After all was said and done, I was already a half hour late for work. I decided to skip Free Pastry Day at Starbucks and forego stopping for any kind of coffee or caffeine alternative. I feel that if you're running late for work, it only looks worse if you stop for unnecessary beverages.

Anyhoo... wasn't shaping up to be a great day since I was already dragging. Since Jerry was working 2nd shift, I went straight to his work so that we could have dinner together (after working late to make up for coming in late). 

When I finally got home from this long day, I was greeted by this:

Yup... that's one of Jerry's friends. She took the RSVP card that we sent with the perfectly good stamp and put it in an envelope after copying the address exactly as it appeared on the post card. That kinda made my day. 

Well, that and realizing that it's 16 days until Jerry and I are married. Say it out loud. Crazy... 16 days!

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