Saturday, March 6, 2010

How does one have a good day?

I am having a great day. So far today...

-Jerry and I saw Alice in Wonderland in IMAX 3D

-We had a wonderful lunch of City BBQ (which we don't get as often as we used to)

- We bought Jerry's wedding ring at Macy's. They have a sale that starts Wednesday, but they are allowing you to buy fine jewelry through a presale, so we got it for less than half the listed price, but we have to wait until Wednesday to pick it up at the store.

-We got 80s Party outfits at TJ Maxx and bottles of Bartles and James to complete our ensembles

-As I was pulling into the driveway, Christopher sent me a message to let me know that he bought his plane tix for Vegas!

-I got a note from Delta that they are crediting my skymiles account 1000 miles because of all our delays last week in getting to SLC.

And it can only get better... because we're going to an 80s Party tonight!

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