Monday, March 29, 2010

I really think...

that I am going to cry.

I'm a mess right now.

Things are not going right at work. I worked on a report for over an hour and saved it. When I went to retrieve it for reference, it was gone. No recovery files...nothing.

I depend a lot on one of my co-workers to get projects finished. He doesn't seem to respect deadlines, processes, or adequate communication. I'm constantly having to remind him that I need things done 9things I can't otherwise do myself - at least not yet). They usually get done a day later than I ask. This doesn't work for me. I am frustrated to no end right now. He just sent me web stuff in the wrong format, which means I can't test it properly.

I depend on another co-worker for part of my daily work processes. She is flustered all the time. It takes her twice as long to complete a project than she is allotted. Her work is sub-par (not my opinion - I have been approached by the boss about it). I have tried to help the situation by preparing things further into the process than I am responsible for, and this offends her.

On top of that, my mother did something absolutely odd and confusing for the wedding. She bought something for my brother and father out of the blue to wear to the wedding. I'm confused. I don't know if it's something I said that made her think in this direction. part of my thinks, "Just go with it. The likely hood it shows up in pics is slim." Another part of me is ready to turn Bridezilla and tell her no, it's a dumb idea.

I think the real reason that I want to cry right now is because I have terrible pain in my lower left back. Based on how the pain started and the way that it has spread down my thigh makes me think bad things. Last night Jerry gave me a muscle relaxer, which, combined with Advil, did nothing to alleviate the pain - though it did make me terribly complacent and acutely aware of my heart beat. I am now more convinced of the pain's origin and that's just something that I cannot deal with right now!


On the bright side, we head to Vegas a week from today.

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