Tuesday, May 25, 2010

In the beginning...

Jerry and I have been married for almost seven weeks.

Here are some of the facts about our marriage (but you probably already know these):
- We were married in Las Vegas at the Planet Hollywood Chapel.
- We were NOT married in any sort of religious ceremony (though there were some spiritual remarks and the officiant is in fact a Reverend)
- As we did not have a religious ceremony, we had no pre-marriage requirement such as pre-cana.

But I think that we did pretty well in preparing for marriage. We talk about EVERYTHING! And prior to walking down the aisle, we had a few discussions of things that we need in our marriage in order to be successful and happy.

One thing that we decided to do was create a list of items that we would like to do within the first year of marriage and before we consider having kids. I am happy to report that we are making decent progress on our one year list. So far we have...

- Attended a Cincinnati Commandos game
- Attended a Cincinnati Cyclones game (the final game of the Kelly Cup finals, I might add)
- On Saturday, we will hit up Taste of Cincinnati, VIP style

Still to come...
- Getting a puppy
- Finishing projects around the house
- Attending a Bengals game
- VIP at Oktoberfest

And much much more.

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