Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Things annoying me right now

1. Having to repeatedly explain things to co-workers because they don't listen the first time, and then being the one blamed when they STILL get it wrong

2. People who write completely un-related comments on your Facebook status - particularly if said comment could have been dropped in a text.

3. People who have just about no real life experience telling me the proper way to do things that a) they have never done and b) I am pretty much a pro at handling. Guess I've been living my life all wrong for the past 28 years (oh crap, I just typed 28... I'm 29. Or maybe I meant to do that because I was not cognisant of my actions the first year of life... whatevs). I don't tell you how to fake surf the fake wave at Kings Island, please don't tell me how to manage my house or how much you know about sex despite being an almost 30 year old virgin or when to see my doctor.

4. People who feel the need to subtly berate every aspect of my life. Southern Ohio is not Hicksville. You are not better than this... and your t-shirt has holes in it (yes, plural...holeS)

5. Tile... looking at tile, thinking about tile. Tile is annoying me a lot, but so is a crappy bathroom and a disgusting kitchen floor.

Monday, July 12, 2010


I can't decide if Jerry and I are really popular... or just stretching thin for no good reason.

Here's our schedule this week:
Monday: Jerry's softball
Tuesday: Dinner at El Pueblo
Wednesday: Craft Beer Night @ Habits - Victory brewery (and it's GBF's birthday!!!)
Thursday: Trivia at Great American Sports Cafe (assuming it isn't canceled again)
Friday: Cleaning the house!
Saturday: Cookout at our house and hike to the Sycamore festival to see Survivor in concert.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Thinking and Driving, Episode 07072010

On my way to work most mornings, I notice a blind woman waiting at a bus stop. Sometimes, if I am lucky to get out of work late enough, I see her getting off the bus. (BTW the afternoon driver who parks the bus and escorts the blind woman across the busy intersection and the people who ride the bus and don't complain about this extra wait are awesome)

Today, I found myself wondering how she gets ready in the morning. Where does she live and with whom? Does someone pick out her clothes for her, or does she live independently enough that she can do it herself. If so, how does she know she matches. I envision two scenarios... 1. Someone picks out her clothes and lays them out in the exact same spot every day or 2. Someone has embroidered the color of the clothing in Braille somewhere on the item, making her fully capable of dressing herself.

Go ahead, imagine it.

I am also curious where she goes everyday... if she has a regular job that has been adjusted to accommodate her needs. Or does she go to the blind center up on Gilbert? Hmmmm... those are thoughts for another time, I guess.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


No, I don't have baby-brain. At least not yet. But it seems like babies are closing in on me.

Two of my cousins have had babies within the past year. And two others definitely have babies on the brain (because having a baby when your just shy of broke is always a good idea). My Aunt also had a baby who I was enticed to hold for extended periods of time at my mom's grad party while my mother, aunts, and uncle repeatedly remarked, "That looks so natural."

Yesterday, I spent the latter half of the day working with kids ages 6 - 12 on a project for work. Some of them were down right adorable.

When Jerry got home from work yesterday, we were sitting on the couch watching TV when 2 things happened...

1. A preview of a show (I think) came on where a girl was cradling her new-born baby while saying, "How can you love someone so much that you just met?" This launched a discussion of how that is in fact true... how that maternal/paternal instinct kicks in and you instantly love someone more than you thought you ever could. Jerry is now worried that, should we have kids, he will not have that feeling until the very second he sees him/her. I think that's just how it goes dear.

2. A St. Jude's commercial played with adorable, though terribly sick, children. This occurred almost immediately after the previous discussion. This prompted Jerry to question how people know what to do when their kid is sick. I have no answers for that. You just do.

On top of all that, the following things happened this morning (and it's only 9 am!):
- Friend of my sister's had a baby
- Old high school friend had a baby
- Anti-baby co-worker announced that her friend is preggers and started talking about when she was gonna pop one out

I tell you people... the walls, they are closing in on me!