Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Incoming work rant

I have a co-worker who constantly bitches that she wants people to bring in food (donuts, cookies, something for the group). And when people do bring in group food, she then bitches about what they bring... she wants chocolate and you brought vanilla!

And if THAT'S not enough, when we have office parties, she always signs up to bring something. Then, she never brings what she signed up for, or makes a considerable effort. Last office party we had, she brought expired bags of lunch snack bags...you know, like Cheetos, Doritos, etc.

My advice... just shut up! You don't HAVE to bring in food, but if you choose to, make an effort. Don't just bring something that you were otherwise going to throw away. Better yet, offer to bring 2-liters of soda.

End of rant!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thinking and Driving Ep. 3

Blah.... Twilight... New Moon... whatever! Blah. Shut up already!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Wedding Web Site Stalker!

That's me.

Since Jerry and I are planning a destination wedding, I have been engrossed in the Las Vegas discussion boards on the Knot. They are really quite helpful. what's even better is that many of the women that post on there have created wedding planning websites. And of the women that have already been married, most of them share their photos on the discussion boards as well. So I have been stalking the planning web sites of these women - which I have learned is actually a fairly common action.

In doing so, I have learned one thing... I have made an excellent decision by going to Vegas! I have seen very few repeat pictures. Everyone in my family uses the same photographer here in Cincinnati - a friend of my cousin. And I think that he does excellent work, but all of his pictures look the same. They all have the same feel. I am so happy that by going to Vegas I am forced to use a different photographer. I am excited as well since the photographer that I have chosen is relatively new on the scene and therefore cheap, yet has an already amazing book of work. I am hoping that he will just want to try things and use my wedding party as guinea pigs. Because then no one can have the same pics!

Only about 4.5 months left!

Friday, November 13, 2009

School stories

I teach Business to Business Marketing on Thursday nights at UC. I don't know all my students to the effect that I could easily call them by their names. But I recognize when certain people are missing.

I only have 3 African-American students in my class - 2 male, 1 female.

Last night the female walks up to me and says, "I'm so sorry that I missed class last week..." and proceeds to tell me a story about why she missed class that isn't necessary to be repeated. Anyway, I probably noticed at the time that she was missing, but it wasn't necessarily something that I was thinking about right at that moment.

I jokingly said, "Oh, I noticed you weren't here, and we missed you terribly."

To which she responded, "There are only a few of us in the class, I know that you notice when I'm gone."

Uh... long pause.

Student watched me trying to determine if I respond that she is correct, is it considered racist?

Then she said, "It's cool, I said it first. I'm the only black girl in here."

You can't really convey her reaction in writing, but as she went on to talk, I decided that I like her just a little more than the others... other students in general that is. She gets an A! Well, maybe... I mean, she did miss that one class...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thinking and Driving Ep. 2

It smells like Chicken Noodle Soup as I drive down I-71 past the Taft Exit. I wonder if anyone else smells it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thinking and Driving, Ep.1

As I was driving to work this morning, I caught my mind wandering. It's not a short drive to work...this happens often. So, today, I decided to begin sharing my morning drive thoughts with you...

Is this Owl City dude for real? Or did he just win a bet that he could write a song with a catchy tune and ridiculously inane lyrics, and the teeny boppers would make it the number one requested song on the pop/top 40 stations?

And speaking of music, I often find myself singing along to Taylor Swift's You Belong With Me. But I liked Saving Jane's version better (Girl Next Door).