Sunday, October 4, 2009

On Saturday, Jerry and I met up with his sister and some of her family for lunch. They were in Cincinnati for their oldest son's soccer tournament. After lunch, and before we headed to the soccer fields to watch the afternoon game, Jerry and I made a trip to Wal-Mart. I don't want to admit why we were there. And yes, it is true that I had to go to the bathroom THAT badly that I was willing to use a public Wal-Mart.

In the restroom, I can hear a little girl (4 or 5 years old) who is in the large stall with her grandmother. I walked into the restroom half-way through the conversation, but the little girl was talking about when she is a parent. And the portion that I heard went something like this...

Little Girl: And after I have kids, then one day I'll be a grandma. And then after I'm a grandma, you know what I'll be?

(Honestly, I expected her to say that she would be dead and then things would really turn awkward - because such a discussion while people are trying to do their business isn't awkward enough - but it's even better than that)

Little Girl: Then, after I'm a grandma, I'm gonna be a pony. Then a doggy. Then maybe a cat.

Grandma: That's wild.

The grandmother's reaction might actually be my favorite part of the story. no emotion. Just "That's wild."

Lesson learned - maybe using the restroom at Wal-Mart isn't all that bad. I mean they do have toilet seat covers as well.

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