Wednesday, July 8, 2009

That was easy

I'm bragging a little here...

On Sunday, Jerry and I took inventory of the food that we have in the house that just isn't getting eaten. We then planned out all our meals this week to eat up all this food and found that we have absolutely no reason to go to the grocery store (score!).

Then, I started to look at what we had planned out and what I was really eating (calories/protein/fat/carbs/fiber) based on a diet that someone proposed for me. I plugged in the numbers for the foods that I already knew we were going to eat and filled in the blanks with other food to which I have access here in Crestview Hills. And to my shock and amazement, I was well below the proposed counts in each category! Although, I really think it might be bad to be so far below the protein count, but that's ok.

What's the point? Well, in just 2 days of not necessarily eating healthy, but just paying attention to what I am eating, I have lost 2 pounds (double score!).

I'm considering adopting the Mindy Ross diet: one 12 oz. beer a day!

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